Discover the best influencers for your brand on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok

Search through dozens of millions of creators. Apply accurate filters to discover the right influencer for your brand.

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Influencer search: Discover the perfect influencers for your campaigns
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Illustration of a diverse group of influencers.

Biggest influencer search tool for Instagram, Youtube and Tik Tok

Search through dozens of millions of creators in any location or category on Instagram, Tik Tok and Youtube. New social media profiles are added daily to search results to ensure broadest influencer coverage in the industry.

Filter options on a dashboard.

Precision Filters for Your Needs

Filter influencers that match your brand in seconds. Identify the right creators for you with a set of filters that include category, niche, location, engagement, followers and many more. Combine filters on the creator's specific traits, media variables and influencer audience information.

Authenticity shield.

No More Fake Influencers

Say goodbye to fraudulent influencers with Heepsy's authenticity filter. Rest assured that your collaborations are with genuine influencers who resonate with your brand.

Audience demographics chart.

Targeted Audience Reach

Understand your influencer's audience better with Heepsy's audience filters. Make sure your message reaches the right people for maximum impact.

Collaboration network visualization.

Uncover Influencer Collaborations

See who's collaborating with whom in your niche with Heepsy's mentions filter. Identify the perfect partners for your influencer marketing campaigns.

Networking illustration.

Leverage Your Connections

Effortlessly identify influencers among your social media followers, clients, or leads. Collaborate with those who already love your brand for authentic campaigns.

Unlimited search credits.

No Search Limits Holding You Back

Enjoy search limits that go beyond industry standards. With Heepsy, you won't run out of search credits before achieving your influencer recruiting goals.

Frequently asked questions

Heepsy offers some of the most generous search limits in the industry. Our monthly limits prioritize your security. For details, check our Pricing page.

Our database boasts millions of influencers, continuously updated for diversity across niches and regions.

Easily find out the number of influencers in your area and niche with Heepsy's specific results counter.

Most creators on Heepsy aren't opted-in, but we have a vetted community of high-quality creators. Opted-in creators tend to have higher response rates and professionalism.

Heepsy offers a variety of filters for precise influencer targeting, including social media channel, location, engagement rate, category, brand mentions, audience, and authenticity.

Our filters aim for high accuracy, although influencer data can change over time. We continuously update them for the latest information.

Absolutely! Heepsy lets you filter creators by various audience demographics like age, gender, location, and more.

While we don't have a direct gender filter, you can analyze gender distribution within an influencer's audience.

Yes, you can create influencer lists based on your search criteria and download the data for further analysis or reference.

No worries! You can request a profile report for influencers not in our database, expanding your influencer options.

Absolutely! Start your influencer discovery journey for free with Heepsy. Explore our free plan's features and sign up without initial costs.