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This channel aims to provide you with the best information on managing money, investing, and adulting in South Africa and throughout Africa. Ivyn discusses a variety of topics, all of which are connected to millennial financial issues and how young South Africans can improve their career and financial management skills. This channel encourages side jobs, entrepreneurship, investing, and other extra income streams to help you reach your financial objectives while growing personally. It is not here to tell you to stop living life in order to manage money better. Mission: Create an independent and financially free citizen. Twitter: @IvynSambo Instagram: @IvynSambo Business email:
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It is time to rethink, reinvent and reposition yourself to thrive in the fast changing world of disruptive technologies. You will become obsolete if you don't figure out how to reinvent yourself and leverage technology to stay relevant in a changing world. On this channel, we're covering all things Tech: digital skills, Digital Disruption, Skills of the future, Innovation, Future of Work, Startup, 4IR, Entrepreneurship, Human Potential, Digital Transformation, career guidance, personal reinvention, etc. The growth and development of people is the highest calling! The call to disrupt the status quo has never been more louder!
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Hi, I am Mike from the bottom tip of Africa. I illustrate and explain complicated things in a simple manner with 3d animations for your enjoyment... OSINT open source intelligence. Friend of common sense. If you're looking for conspiracy theory you likely won't enjoy my content 😆
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Embaixada de Jesus Cristo. A Igreja Embaixada de Jesus Cristo tem como Líder Jesus Cristo, aquele que deu a sua vida por amor a humanidade e que está assentado a direita do Pai e intercedendo por nós, a ele seja dada toda honra e toda glória para sempre ámen. Vide a escritura no livro de Mateus 25. Visão A Visão principal da Igreja é: Pregar o Evangelho de Cristo Jesus a toda criatura, a fim de alcançar a salvação; Fazer a demonstração de poder deste evangelho por intermédio da obra de caridade a todos sem distinção. Reconciliação de Homem para com Deus por intermédio de Jesus Cristo e reconciliação de homem para com homem (2 Cor 5:17-21); Fazer ambos os povos um só povo (Efésios 2:14). Evangelizar a paz, a vós que estáveis longe e aos que estavam perto; Garantir o acesso ao pai em um mesmo Espírito; Edificar o fundamento dos Apóstolos e dos Profetas, dizendo que Jesus Cristo é a principal pedra da esquina; Transformar vidas e nações ao mundo inteiro por intermédio do evange