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Hey there, welcome to Barista Duo ! As coffee-loving duo, we're thrilled to share our tips and knowledge with you. We truly enjoy creating coffee for others as well as ourselves. Our channel is all about Latte art, providing tips and tricks to elevate your Barista skills, cinematic coffee videos, and much more. With years of experience as Baristas, we take pleasure in sharing our passion with those we train and work with. The coffee industry can be challenging and requires significant time, research, and energy, but it's also incredibly enjoyable! Our aim is to upload new content once or twice a week to make your journey of learning about coffee a little bit easier. So, if you're interested in discovering something new about coffee, then subscribe now and join us on the Barista Duo adventure. Thank you!
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The Girl in the Cafe VLOG: Thoughts, experiences, and views on all things FOOD, PEOPLE, STYLE, INSPIRATION, PASSION, HOSPITALITY, FILM, ART and of course, COFFEE & CONVERSATION. ONLINE WEBSERIES to launch later in 2015: Talks coffee and interviews successful, inspiring people met throughout the cafe industry. Presented by New Zealand-born, London-based barista and actress, CELESTE WONG, in: THE GIRL IN THE CAFE. #TGITC #THEGIRLINTHECAFE #COFFEE #BARISTA #COFFEELYF #SPECIALTYCOFFEE #INSPIRATION #LIFESTYLE
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Welcome to Coffee to Art ! I'm a coffee enthusiast & I'm here to share my tips and knowledges with you. I really do love making coffee for people and myself. My coffee channel covers Latte art, tricks and tips to improve your Barista game, cinematic coffee videos and more. I've been a Barista for years now and strongly love sharing my passion with people I train and work with. The coffee sphere isn't a easy path, it takes a lot of time, research and obviously, some energy. BUT, it's a lot of FUN !! If your goal is to learn something new about coffee, well, my goal is to upload once or twice a week to make your journey easier. Subscribe now, join the Coffee to Art adventure. 🙏
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Socio de Taller de Espresso, empresa dedicada a: 1. Tostar cafés mexicanos de calidad, para su venta a mayoreo y menudeo, 2. Venta de cafeteras, molinos y equipos para cafeterías, 3. Impartir cursos para baristas y profesionales del café, 4. Servicio técnico de mantenimiento y reparación de cafeteras y equipos para cafeterías, y 5. Asesoría para cafeterías. Taller de Espresso es el mejor aliado para quienes buscan abrir su propia cafetería y para quienes quieren mejorar la que ya tienen. También atendemos a los aficionados al buen café a traves de nuestras Cafeterías-Expendios, en las que tenemos una buena variedad de cafés, para que todos los paladares encuentren el que mejor les guste.
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Guter Kaffee ist unsere Leidenschaft. In unserem Channel erfahrt ihr alles Wichtige um guten Kaffee selber zu machen. Vom Barista-Handwerk, Latte Art, der besten Espressomaschine und Kaffeemühle, Rezepten für Cold Brew oder Kaffee-Cocktails. Wir testen für euch Maschinen und Barista-Tools sowie Kaffees. Als Kaffeemacher:innen betreiben wir eine Kaffeeschule bei Basel in der Schweiz. In unseren Kursen vermitteln wir Kaffeewissen von der Pflanze bis in die Tasse. Rösten, Sensorik, Barista-Techniken. All' dieses Wissen ist bei uns nicht abstrakt, sondern kommt aus dem Alltag. In Nicaragua betreiben wir die Kaffeefarm Santa Rita. In Basel unweit des Bahnhofs eine Rösterei und Kaffeeschule und in Basel das Café frühling. Unser Team wird geführt von Deutschen und Schweizer Kaffeemeistern. Kaffeemacher GmbH, Güterstrasse 140, Basel, Schweiz.
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Our channel is about coffee and barista's life. We will share vlogs about coffee including how to make coffee in Australian way and some tips on how to be a barista in Australia. We want to provide helpful information for all barista wanna be, so that the videos can be used as their guidelines to start the job!