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The military is an arm of government authorised to use lethal force, and weapons, to support the interests of the state and some or all of its citizens. The task of the military is usually defined as defence of the state and its citizens, and the prosecution of war against another state. The military may also have additional sanctioned and non-sanctioned functions within a society, including, the promotion of a political agenda, protecting corporate economic interests, internal population control, construction, emergency services, social ceremonies, and guarding important areas. The military can also function as a discrete sub-culture within a larger civil society, through the development of separate infrastructures, which may include housing, schools, utilities, food production and banking. FOR More information about military history visit site at as well as business website at
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Hi 🥰 This is Sabrina! I am now studying in US as a UIUX grad student. My goal is to work and stay in US after I graduate. This is my space where I record my life, learn about video editing, and practice speaking in front of cameras. I will be sharing my life in the US and cultural differences on this channel. What’s MOST IMPORTANT is I input 200% 🧡 of hard work into video making. If you also like my little space, you are welcome to follow me.
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Rolling Rolling Channel mainly designs marble run races with simple machines to inspire new ideas and to enjoy pure marble sounds with ASMR effects. We like to be creative and think differently about marbles. In 1,000 ways, we keep incorporating new ideas into marble playing. We believe a marble is not just a marble. One needs problem-solving skills, basic science knowledge, cognitive intelligence, sensory integration, and brainstorming to invent and build a DIY homemade marble run race track. Are you ready for the visual and audio surprises? Come join us to find your wow experiences! Disclaimer: 1. Marbles and other balls are not edible. Please be careful with them, and put them away from children. 2. All our marble run race ASMR videos are made to provide new ideas and satisfying ASMR sounds, and (Unless otherwise specified,) they are made for general audience.
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Welcome to the WAKING DREAM. I am BRIAN DAVID PHILLIPS (羅狼仁, 催眠师) and I will be your guide into the fascinating world of hypnosis and trancework. I am a hypnotist, hypnotherapist, pastor, trance wizard, intuitionist, minister, shaman, teacher, father, and performer. I live and work in Keelung and Taipei, Taiwan, where I teach at university. I also travel the world teaching, performing, and doing interesting things. I am also a stereophotographer, 3D photographer and videographer, as well as an enthusiast of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and 360º Photography and Videography. Be sure to click the subscribe button and see for more hypnosis (催眠) and other very interesting things.
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Corrective Nail SPA NubabyTechnique comes from Canada, after a two-year specialized school, and has passed strict national accreditation in Canada. Established in 2008, the nail salon has been specializing in nail correction for over 11 years and is one of the most experienced nail specialists in Taiwan. As a specialty nail salon, 99% of our customers come to us for problematic nails, and we have helped nearly 4,000 customers. Nail Correction Problem Nail Treatment By making regular artificial nails, rubbing nail polish and ointment regularly on your fingertips, and taking care of your hands, the skin on your fingertips will gradually return to health, protect your nails from damage, help your nails grow, and gradually adjust the shape of your nails to return to the health and beauty they deserve. Decide today to return your nails to health and beauty! Through a professional nail correction program, the damage caused over the years can be gradually improved